Team Up – Version 2.0 Release Notes

Four-player teams: It is now possible to create events with four players per team. If such events are co-ed, teams can have as few as one player of a given sex. Also, this constraint is imposed on co-ed events: the difference between the number of women on each team will never be greater than one. For example, if one team has one woman, the other team will have either one or two women, but not three.

One-player teams: You can also create events with one player per team. Obviously, there is no such thing as a one-player team in volleyball, but this option can be selected if team composition will not change throughout the event.

New priority available: Balance Men & Women: On the Edit Configuration screen, you can add “Balance Men & Women” to the priority list. When this is selected, Team Up will try to make the number of women on the two teams as equal as possible, given the other constraints that are in force.

Change Teams: The list of active games on the Manage Event screen has a new menu option: Change Teams. With this option, you can easily move players from one team to another.

Edit Configuration screen: The Edit Configuration screen has a slight change. The priorities “Co-ed teams” and “King of the Court” are no longer available. Instead, two checkboxes take their place: “Co-ed” and “Similar win % on same court”. The reason for this change is that these two options are not something that is prioritized. Each represents a completely different approach to generating matches.

Court assignments: Team Up now assigns teams to particular courts (numbered beginning with court #1). When “Similar win % on same court” is selected, players with the best records are assigned to court #1, etc. Otherwise, Team Up attempts to distribute players among courts so that a player won’t always end up on the same court.

King of the Court (now “Similar win % on same court“) revamped: This option has been revamped so that any of the prioritization options can be selected with it (previously there was only one possibly priority that could be used). Also, the algorithm has been updated so that Team Up examines many more possible ways to assign players to teams (thus enabling it to better take into account the event’s priorities). However, assigning players with similar records to the same court is always above any of the priorities; the other priorities are like a wish list.

Improved efficiency: Numerous efficiency improvements have been introduced to enable Team Up to examine more possible ways to assign players to teams. This is particularly relevant when the number of possible ways to assign players to teams explodes and Team Up needs to randomly generate many different assignments before comparing them against the priorities.

Others: Many minor changes and bug fixes were implemented.

Team Up!