PT Tracker Revision History

Version 5.3 – October 23, 2022

  • A mark now appears below the record floor line if a timing has no errors. The color and type of the mark can be set via the “No Errors” option of the Chart Appearance screen (accessed on the Settings menu).
  • User can now change the color of the chart (the color includes the title, grid lines, chart outline, tick labels and axis labels). The chart color can be set via the “Chart Color” option of the Chart Appearance screen.

Version 5.2 – April 7, 2022

  • Added new File menu option “Rename student” for changing first name, last name and/or ID of a student.
  • Added new File menu options “Next skill” and “Previous skill” for quickly moving from one skill to another.
  • The wording of these file menu options was changed:
    • “New student” is now “Add new student”.
    • “New skill” is now “Add new skill”

Version 5.1 – January 27, 2022

  • The Escape key on the keyboard can now be used to cancel every PT Tracker dialog.
  • The Tools menu has a new option (Save chart as .png) to save the chart to an image file. (You already could do this by right-clicking in the chart.)
  • The Settings menu has a new option (Change output directory) for specifying a directory to which image files will be written.
  • Fixed minor bugs in date validation code. (PT Tracker now gives an error if you enter a day of month that is more than the allowable number of days in the month. It also gives an error if you enter a year that isn’t from 2000 to 2099.)

Version 5.0 – January 18, 2022

  • Added support for adding/editing/deleting chart annotations, including: phase changes, aim stars and celeration lines (on Chart menu).
  • The chart now displays a question mark below the record floor for no-count timings.
  • It is now possible to change the colors and shapes of some items displayed on the chart (via the Chart appearance menu item on the Settings menu).
    • For example, errors can be displayed as x’s.
  • The chart now displays the starting and ending year of the data (top left and right corners of chart)
  • There are now keyboard shortcuts for some of the most frequent user actions.  These are shown on the menus.  For example, on PC’s, Ctrl-L loads a student.  On Macs, it’s the Command key.
  • When timings are done in minutes, the duration of the timings can now be entered at MM:SS if the duration is less than one hour.  Duration specification using a decimal number is still supported.  For example, a 90-second timing could be entered as 1.5 or as 1:30.  Durations of an hour or more must be specified as a decimal number.
  • You don’t need to exit the following text-display screens in order to continue with other user operations.  For example, this enables you to have a help screen open while entering data.
    • Help with PT Tracker
    • Help with Google Drive Interface
    • Display Log
  • These text-display screens are resizable: the help screens, the log display and the revision history.
  • Fixed bugs that prevented proper handing of accented Spanish letters.
  • Fixed bugs that would have caused problems in countries that have non-United States conventions for representing decimal numbers.
  • Decimal numbers and large integers are always displayed using U.S. conventions. (Period as decimal point; comma as group separator; for example, 1,200.56)
  • On the Edit Timings screen, you can now right-click on the table to display these options: view, edit, delete, exit.
  • The record floor line is a little thinner in this version, and only has one color.

Version 4.0 – November 14, 2021

  • Previously, the only general property of a “skill” was its name.  Now, the user can specify the following properties when a skill is created:
    • Name
    • Time units for timings (can be minutes, hours, or one day)
    • Maximum duration of a timing (anything more than this will be flagged as an error when a timing is entered)
    • Y-Axis Minimum: A power of 10 ranging from 0.001 to 100,000,000
    • Y-Axis Maximum: A power of 10 ranging from 0.01 to 1,000,000,000
    • Days in Chart: Number of days shown on the chart.  An integer from 70 to 210, divisible by 7.
    • Chart Title: This word or words will appear before the skill name on the chart.
  • The “settings” are global parameters that apply to all students and skills. A number of new settings have been added.  They now include:
    • Default database directory: The default location where PT Tracker will look for student files
    • Skill defaults: A set of default values for all the skill parameters described above. When you create a new skill, PT Tracker will provide these values as defaults.
    • Use SCC aspect ratio: When enabled, PT Tracker will always draw the charts such that the x2 celeration line has a 33-degree angle with respect to the horizontal axis.
    • Chart size: You can set the start-up size of the chart.
    • Logo options: You can disable the logo or specify your own.
    • Change nomenclature: PT Tracker uses the words “student” and “skill” frequently in menus, dialog boxes, and error messages. You can change those words to something more appropriate for your use.
    • Change Google Drive folder: If you want to use PT Tracker’s Google Mode, you now specify the Google Drive folder ID via the Settings menu.

Version 3.1 – October 11, 2021

  • User settings file: Added reading/writing of settings file to store user preferences between uses of PT Tracker, including:
    • Database directory (location in file system where student files will be saved)
    • Google Drive folder ID
    • Option to disable the display of the Loco4Learning LLC logo in the chart.
  • Data archiving: Every time student data is saved, an archive file is also saved in the archive subdirectory.  The archive files are dated so that you can always recover the last change made on a given date.  The archive files are deleted after three weeks.
  • On the main screen, the “Add Timing” button was moved so that it is now after NumErrors.

Version 3.0 – March 8, 2021

  • Implemented Google Drive interface
  • New Student screen: switched locations of “Save” and “Cancel” buttons to be consistent with other screens.

Version 2.4 – February 8, 2021

  • The chart now gets larger if the PT Tracker window is made larger.
  • The Edit Timings screen now has the option to modify a timing (not just delete it)
  • Fix small bug in determining whether a student file already exists.
  • Prevent file names that are more than 255 characters long.
  • Change the default directory prompting screen to work correctly on MacOS.
    • Remove the prompt that asks the user to specify a default directory on startup.
  • Improve error handling of New Student window.
  • Add Tools menu.
    • Add “Change directory” option to Tools menu.
    • Move “Display log” option from Help menu to the Tools menu.
    • Add “Reset window size” option to Tools menu.
  • The file name for the PT Tracker executable file will no longer have embedded spaces.  It will be PT-Tracker.jar

Version 2.3 – January 13, 2021

  • On startup, asks user to specify the default directory.

Version 2.2 – January 6, 2021

  • Fixed method for appending file name to default directory to make it compatible with MacOS.
  • Added logging capability.
  • Added “Display log” option to Help menu.

Version 2.1 – Test version released January 5, 2021

  • Help menu added, including three menu items:
    • Help with PT Tracker
    • Revision history
    • About PT Tracker
  • Fixed bug that caused icons to be blurry.
  • Removed these options from the popup menu:
    • Properties (this option enabled the user to make adverse changes to the chart)
    • Copy (this option didn’t work and caused serious errors)
    • Print (this option worked except that the background image of the Fluency Factory logo was not faded like on the on-screen chart)

Version 2.0 – December 20, 2020

  • PT Tracker now works with Java 8 instead of Java 12.
  • Add a new option to the File menu:  Set Default Skill
  • By default, the Load Student screen now only shows files with the .ptt file extension (instead of showing all files).

Version 1.0 – December 19, 2020

  • Original