Team Up Help – Download Players Screen

To avoid the tedium of adding players one-by-one to Team Up, you can use the Download Players screen to load a list of players. You reach this screen via the menu at the top right of the Players screen.

First you need to create a download file. The file should consist of unformatted text. The first line (i.e., record) can have anything; it is ignored. Each subsequent record defines one player. Fields on a record are separated by commas. The fields must appear in this order:

  • ID: A name that identifies the player in Team Up. No other player can have the same ID.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email: The email address of the player. This field can be left blank. If it is present, it can be used to email results to the player via the Email Results screen.
  • Sex: Must be M or F.

A number of programs are available that you can use to make the download file, including:

  • Notepad: Available on PCs.
  • Microsoft Excel: Each filed should be in a different cell. Then save the sheet as a CSV file.

After creating the file, put it in a place accessible to the Team Up program. The simplest approach is to put it on Google Drive.

Upon arriving at the Download Players screen, you will click the Choose Download File button. Your Android device will then present you with the options it has for loading a file. You’ll need to choose one that has the file you want to download.

Done: Exit the Download Players screen.

Three Vertical Dots: If you click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner, you will get these menu options:

  • Display Log: Shows the Session Log screen.
  • Help: Displays this web-based help page.

After selecting the file, you will return to the Download Players screen. Team Up will read the records and perform a first validation pass through them. If it finds any errors, the ID’s of the players whose records had errors will be listed in the Problems column.

If errors are found at this stage, Team Up will not allow you to save the players to the database. You’ll need to load a different file or fix the records in the file you downloaded and then click the Choose Download File button again.

If you click the Done button, no players will be added to the system.

Whenever Team Up encounters errors on the validation pass, you can click on one of the player ID’s in the list to find out what was wrong. Team Up will display a box with the following information:

  • Record number in the file (the first record in the file is ignored; the first player record will be record #2)
  • The contents of the record
  • A descriptive error message
  • A list of the fields extracted from the record. (When an error is encountered, Team Up stops trying ty extract the fields, so they appear as “(Not checked)”.

If no errors were encountered in the validation pass, you will be able to click the Save button to save the downloaded players to the Team Up database.

If you click the Done button, no players will be added to the system.

After you click Save, Team Up will attempt to save the downloaded payers to the Team Up database.

It’s possible that additional errors will occur at this point. Again, you can click on the player ID to see the cause of the error. In most cases, at this point the error will be that there is already a player with the same ID in the database.

The ID’s that appear in the “Saved” column were successfully saved.

At this point, you can click Done to return to the Players screen or you can click Choose Download File to download another file of players.