Team Up Help – Quick Start

The Team Up app has extensive help pages — one for each screen. In fact, there are so many screens that it might be a little intimidating to get started. Don’t worry! In reality, Team Up is an easy program to use!

To get started, follow these steps:

  • Add your volleyball friends to the app.
    • Go to the Start New Event screen (the first screen you see when you start Team Up).
    • Display the Main Menu by clicking on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.
    • Select the Players menu option.
    • Click on the plus sign in the lower right corner to add a new player. Add all your friends one at a time!
  • Create an event. An event is just a bunch of volleyball games with a specific group of people using specific rules (e.g., doubles, co-ed, etc.).
    • Go to the Start New Event screen.
    • Click the Start New Event button to go to the Edit Event screen.
    • In the Name field, give the event a unique name.
    • Click the Choose Configuration button to go to the Event Configurations screen.
      • Click one of the default event configurations. (Or click the plus sign to make your own.)
    • Now click on Edit Configuration on the Edit Event screen to go to the Edit Configuration screen. There you can change things like:
      • Number of points needed to win
      • Players per team (1, 2, 3, or 4)
      • Number of courts
      • And you can fine-tune the match generation priorities if you want to.
      • When you’re done, click Save.
    • Back on the Edit Event screen, you’ll see a list of all the players you put into the system in the first step. Click on the ones that will be participating in this event.
    • Click Save
  • Create matches. Now you will be on the Manage Event screen. On this screen, there are two ways to assign matches:
    • You can do it yourself by clicking on the Choose Teams button.
    • Or you can have Team Up do it for you by clicking on the Generate button.
      • After you generate a match (or matches), you’ll need to click the Accept button to activate the generated games.
  • Enter scores. A list of currently active games appears Manage Event screen. You can add a score to an active game by clicking on the game.