Team Up Help for Version 2.1

Team Up is an Android app that makes it easy to run small doubles, threes and fours volleyball pickup play among friends, in which you change teams every game. In each round of play, Team Up has the capability to assign teams and matches that take into account what happened in previous rounds. The Team Up help pages use these terms:

  • Player: A person added to the system so that he or she can participate in events.
  • Event: A group of games with a specific group of players, rules and criteria for generating matches automatically.
  • Event configuration: The rules governing an event, along with the criteria for generating matches automatically.
  • Match/Game: The words match and game are used interchangeably in these help pages and in the Team Up app. A match consists of a game between two teams.

The Team Up help pages are extensive. Get going a little faster using the Team Up Quick Start page.

  • New Event: Click this to create a new event via the Edit Event screen..
  • Players: Click this to display the Players screen, which shows all the players that have been added to the system. On the Players screen, you can add new players to the system.
  • Configurations: Click this to display the Event Configurations screen, which shows the list of default event configurations in the system. When that list is displayed, you will also be able to add, delete or modify the default event configurations.
  • Settings: Click this to go to the Settings screen where you can modify the system-wide settings.
  • Display Log: Click this to go to the Session Log screen to see recent error messages.
  • Help: Click this to show web-based help for the currently-displayed screen.
  • About Team Up: Click this to see the Team Up version and the End User License Agreement.

Team Up has the following screens (click the header of each section for detailed help):

Start New Event: This is the screen you will see when you start Team Up. Use this screen to create a new event, resume a previously created event, or display information about a previously created event. You can also click on the three vertical dots in the corner to display the Main Menu.

Edit Event: This screen is for creating or editing an event. You use it to give a name to the event; select/edit the event configuration; and assign players to the event.

Manage Event: You’ll use this screen to handle most of the tasks associated with running a volleyball event. It gets displayed when you resume an existing event or when you finish creating a new event.

The buttons provide the following operations: 1) Config: to modify the event configuration, including adding new players to the event; 2) Deactivations: to remove players from (or return them to) availability to play in games; 3) Finished Games: to display a list of finished games; 4) Records: to display the won-loss record of all the players in the event; 5) Choose Teams: to let you pick the teams for a match; 6) Generate: to cause Team Up to generate matches.

The Manage Event screen also displays all the active (unfinished games). When a game ends, you can click on the game and enter the score.

Finally, the Main Menu is also available from the Manage Event screen using the three vertical dots in the top right corner.

Players: This screen shows a list of all the players in the system. You can click on the plus sign in the lower right corner to add a new player. You can click on a player to edit that player’s information. You can long-click on a player to show a menu that includes two options: 1) Edit the players information; 2) Delete the player. Click “Download List” to go to the Download Players screen, which lets you load a list of players from an external file.

Players Screen

Edit Player: Use this screen to add a new player or modify the information of an existing player.

Edit Player

Download Players: This screen enables you to download a list of players from an external file so that you don’t have to type them in one-by-one in the Edit Player screen.

Event Configurations: This screen displays a list of default event configurations. Menu options give you the option to add, modify, copy, view and delete default event configurations.

Event Configurations

Edit Configuration: Use this screen to establish the rules for an event and to establish the priorities that Team Up should use when assigning players to teams and matches.

Deactivations: Use this screen to indicate to Team Up that specific players can no longer be assigned to teams. You also use this screen to re-activate players.


Finished Games: This screen shows all the games in a particular event, with the games that finished most recently at the top.

Finished Games Screen

Records: This screen shows the wins and losses for each player in an event.


Choose Teams: This screen lets you set up your own games. You choose which players will be on each of the two teams. Click save and the game becomes one of the active games on the Manage Event screen.

Choose Teams

Generate Match: When you click on the Generate button of the Manage Event screen, Team Up will try to find the match or set of matches that best meets the criteria specified on the Edit Configuration screen. You can then click Save, and those matches will become the active games.

Enter Scores: Use this screen to enter the scores for one of the active games on the Manage Event screen.

Enter Scores

Settings: Use this screen to change settings that affect how Team Up works.


Session Log: The Session Log screen displays the last 100 error messages of this particular session of Team Up.